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Content Marketing

How-To Create A More Effective About Page

March 17, 2015

The about page on your site is more important than you think. Go ahead, check your analytics. Chances are it’s one of the most visited pages on your site. But it can also be one of the most under-utilized. Read on to find out how to make your about page work harder for your company.…

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Plan Next Year’s Content Using this 2015 Marketing Calendar

December 30, 2014
2015 Marketing Calendar

2014 is officially in the books, and every marketer is sighing with relief over the holiday season winding down. We can all look forward to the new year, and get excited about what’s to come in 2015. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to plan a team brainstorm and come up with…

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7 Ways to Whip Your Social Content Calendar Into Shape for 2015

December 16, 2014

Get ahead of the social media curve in 2015 with an editorial process and the right tools in these seven easy steps. The end of 2014 year is rapidly approaching and that means time to prep for the new year ahead. You’ve likely begun planning for 2015 with your marketing budgets, measuring 2014’s performance, researching…

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Big Video Marketing On A Small Business Budget

September 16, 2014

By: Morgan Quinn You don’t need to spend a small fortune or hire a pricey agency to create great video marketing content. In fact, when it comes to video content marketing, less is often more. If you aren’t sure if now is the time to dive into video marketing, consider this: 26% of Internet users…

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One Dozen Fall Marketing Ideas To Build Your Content Calendar

September 3, 2014

It’s that time of year again… Long hot days, vacations and summer fun is winding down and it’s time to shift your focus to fall marketing ideas and connecting with your customers around what’s important to them right now. While fall is a favorite season for many, it’s also a busy one. Cutting through the…

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How-To Avoid The Viral Video Trap [Video Blog Part 3]

May 13, 2014
Cindy Matalucci Video Marketing Expert

How many times have you heard the words “let’s make a viral video” in a meeting? Marketers get caught up in making the mistake that every video made for the Internet is going to go viral. It is not and it will not. Not likely, anyway. That’s a trap. With 100 HOURS of video uploaded to YouTube EVERY MINUTE (YouTube, May 2014),…

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Video is the Next Big Thing in Marketing [Video Blog Part 1]

April 29, 2014
Cindy Matalucci Video Marketing Expert

We are often asked “what’s next in marketing?” With the rise of visual content we’ve watched photography take center stage. Instagram and Pinterest have shown us how important it is to make our messages esthetically pleasing while communicating at-a-glance. Tumblr has become popular for looping GIFs and Twitter has experimented with small packets of looping mobile video. The answer…

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Download Our Free Email Social Media Integration White Paper

April 15, 2014

I was honored to be invited by Blue Hornet to guest moderate a discussion about ways marketers can integrate email and social media channels. The event titled “7 Questions Every Marketer Should Ask About Email & Social” was held on Twitter April 2nd using hashtag #EmailChat. We covered topics from how to add social media to…

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