It’s not enough to say 2012 was a good year for social media. It was an amazing year. As marketers we embarked on many new experiences from curating photo boards for Pinterest, to arming employees with iPhones to join the Instagram mobile photo movement. I was delighted to come upon this infographic inspired by a…
January 24, 2013Facebook’s New Search Engine and What It Means to Marketing
On January 15th Facebook made its latest big announcement unveiling their new search engine called Graph Search. Now that they’ve collected tons of information through Open Graph (essentially the LIKE button that logs our interests) and location information in Places, our photos and posts, they are making it easy to sort through it to find…
January 23, 2013It happened so fast. Social media has crept into the mainstream over the last twelve years. Crept? OK, that’s not a good word. Let’s call it launch bombed. Like 007 landing at the party in a big parachute. While arguably social media in the form of two-way communication online was developed as early as the…
January 17, 2013Both online and off, companies are doing everything they can to get their customers talking about them. Successful companies don’t set out for positive word of mouth; instead they look for feedback, great content and ways to evoke their brand in a unique way. Here are five proven strategies on how to get customer feedback…
January 16, 2013Coming up with great blogging ideas can be a challenge, whether you’re writing for one blog or multiple blogs. Sure there are thousands of topics to write about, but with the Internet being flooded with content good and bad, you want to stand out, be ready for anything, be relevant and be professional. Blogging has…
January 9, 201310. Blog regularly Most of us have a blog at this stage, and if you don’t you’re missing out on opportunities to feed your audience and Google freshly squeezed content. The challenge with blogging is keeping up with it. Make a resolution in 2013 to put your blog on a schedule and post regularly. When…
January 3, 2013WordPress has come a long way since starting as a new blogging platform in 2003, with new update versions coming out every 1-3 months, and new major versions coming out every 6 months. One of the biggest concerns I’ve heard people have with WordPress is that it is not an enterprise solution for web site…
January 2, 2013Christmas is over. How did this year fly by so quickly? And, what are you doing reading this blog on December 26?! Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re here, but the fact that you’re reading it leads me to several possible conclusions… You needed some alone time. Everyone appreciates the holidays and family time,…
December 26, 2012Changes to Instagram’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service were announced Monday and it took just hours for the community to dive into a tailspin. Much of the to-do was about content rights and personal photos being used in advertising. Can you imagine your personal Instagram photo that you thought only your mobile followers would…
December 20, 2012Do you ever look at what another brand is doing and sigh, “I wish I had thought of that”? Sometimes it’s not about how many hours you put into it or trying harder. It’s working smarter and becoming more open and creative. You never know what will take off when it comes to engaging with…
December 13, 2012