Fandom’s Magic Castle Unicorn Error Page

January 31, 2013

Remember when the fail whale made history? Ever since I have become obsessed with funny error messages and have kept a log of them here on the blog for a few years now. They are a trivial thing when it comes to a brand’s website design until you are surprised by one that is simply awesome. When a brand takes the time to speak to me like a human being (vs. “this page does not exist error 1234500000000000 bla  bla bla) at an unexpected turn, they deserve props.

Some brands take the opportunity to educate you about their corporate culture, give you a game to play, or poke fun at their IT guy. When we redesigned our website at this past year we wanted to do something cool like upload your photo to ride a flying unicorn while eating bacon. But someone purchased the technology before I could get to it. So, we opted to make fun of our co-founder and social technology director Rob wearing his awesome, The Mountain Unicorn Castle t-shirt. (The Mountain invented Three Wolf Moon and if you don’t know what that is you’ve gotta up your geek factor and buy one or the other).

Long story short. If you have a problem… you know who to tweet 😉

Magic Castle Unicorn T-shirt Error Message


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