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Facebook For Business

Using Facebook for marketing and creating Facebook promotions.

6 Expert Tips for Using Facebook Hashtags

June 27, 2013

By: Kate Huebler, Guest Blogger On June 12th Facebook announced the official rollout of linked hashtags to “bring conversations to the forefront” as networks like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr have been for quite some time. While it has been common practice to include hashtags in posts to Facebook, primarily those syndicated from Instagram or Twitter, they…

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Marketing With The New Facebook Layout

April 2, 2013
New Facebook Feed

On March 7, 2013, Mark Zuckerberg and his team announced that they are making a major change to the look and feel of the Facebook news feed. This major redesign is expected to provide a less cluttered space with a more vibrant and vivid experience focusing on imagery. During his announcement, Zuckerberg said, “news feed is…

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How Retailers Can Use Facebook Graph Search In Their Strategy

February 12, 2013

By: Rob Reed With the introduction of Facebook Graph Search (Graph Search), brands with multiple locations will soon find their Facebook strategy turned on its head. The value of marketing on Facebook is about to shift dramatically and disproportionately from the brand level to the local level for these types of companies. If you’ve not heard about…

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Facebook’s New Search Engine and What It Means to Marketing

January 23, 2013

On January 15th Facebook made its latest big announcement unveiling their new search engine called Graph Search. Now that they’ve collected tons of information through Open Graph (essentially the LIKE button that logs our interests) and location information in Places, our photos and posts, they are making it easy to sort through it to find…

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The Drop In Facebook Page Reach And What To Do About It

November 21, 2012

The drop in Facebook page reach is a hot topic. While Facebook has provided soft responses to the reasons for the change and its impact on page reach… The truth is we’re all experiencing the plunge, and we’re all in it together. The changes are driven by Facebook’s technology called EdgeRank or Graph Rank. It’s…

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Optimize Facebook Content To Attract More Views

October 24, 2012

Do you want to know how to get the most of out of your Facebook page marketing? IT Agility has put together an awesome presentation that breaks down the many ways Facebook processes your posts, from the EdgeRank Algorithm to social ranks and social clicks. The presentation contains actionable Facebook marketing tips you can implement…

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Three Ways To Take Your Facebook Page To The Next Level

August 15, 2012

The big question in social media is “what’s next?” These days every company has a Facebook page: the company that succeeds is one that can go beyond the normal page offerings and find ways to deliver more of what their consumers need and even things they don’t know they need. To make a Facebook page…

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Why Facebook Privacy Settings Are Important For People And Brands

June 13, 2012

  Help employees learn how to control, manage and organize Facebook friends. As social media marketers, one of the main concerns we hear from companies is fear over what employees are posting and saying about them online. Rather than forming strict social media policies, organizations can make sure employees understand smart use of social media,…

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Forget the IPO: Why Facebook’s Value is in the Like Button

May 18, 2012

As I am writing the Facebook IPO opens for trading in about twenty minutes. I, like the rest of the world, am thinking about how Facebook has changed everything. Whether you’re a regular Joe hooking up with ex-girlfriends from high school, a blogger building her network, or a company still pulling their hair out trying…

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The New Facebook Timeline Emergency Guide For Business (white paper)

March 30, 2012

  The day has finally come, it’s March 30th and Facebook will finally unleash their timeline upon the brand business pages of the universe. Some of you are nodding your head thinking “about time already” and yet others still find themselves in the middle of their Friday afternoon unprepared, frantically trying to figure out how…

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