People Are More Likely To Share Positive Reviews

March 1, 2011

Ratings and reviews can be terrifying to a business owner. The most common question I get from clients is, “What if they say something bad?” I hate to break it to everyone but they probably already did. If not, they will eventually.

There’s no such thing as perfect when it comes to brand reputation. No product or service is going to be a fit for 100% of people 100% of the time. There is always that one person who will never be happy, that time service had a bad day, or a soured employee who Tweets a little too much TMI.  With that said, here’s some data that will make all of us feel much more at ease.

  • Yelpers have written over 15 million local reviews, 83% of them rating a business 3 stars or higher out of 5 stars. (source)
  • The first thing people will see when they are searching your business on Yelp, Google Maps, and other listings is the aggregate of all reviews. So, overall if you’re reputation trending positive, that’s what they will see in the roll up.
  • In a recent Harbinger study, 58% of female Internet users said they were likely to share information about the food/beverage category because of a good experience. A bad experience would motivate only 46% of respondents to speak up. (source: eMarketer Oct 2010)

People who write online reviews are not just a bunch of complainers. People like to share positive experiences and when there are many of them, it’s the overall score that matters. Not one bad review. Keep focus on positive trends when managing online reviews.



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