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Brands That Bring It With Foursquare

April 16, 2013

By: Andy Morales Foursquare offers brands, businesses, and blogs many opportunities to create a presence and connection with fans. Businesses with a physical presence have the opportunity to claim their foursquare venue and run a variety of specials to attract visitors. When you manage your venue, Foursquare provides you with a variety of back-end metrics.…

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If a Unicorn Checked in on Foursquare

March 14, 2013

He’s the steed of choice for Isaiah Mustafa. He never works in real time, only in imaginary time. He likes every post on Facebook. And follows everyone back on Twitter. His rainbow cupcake board on Pinterest has over 1 million followers. He has Klout expertise for: sparkles, rainbows, magic and cake. And every time he…

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What Facebook Locations Mean to Your Business

August 24, 2010

LBS marketing is heating up with Facebook’s roll out of a Locations feature last week. Will be an application killer? Not yet, the application still lacks the reward system Foursquare thrive on, the venue ratings and reviews that feed the hungry Yelper’s ego, and the playful features of Gowalla. What it does mean is LBS…

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MTV Enlists The Jersey Shore in Foursquare Marketing

July 13, 2010

As brands eventually began to participate in Twitter posting updates and entertaining audiences, we can witness early adopters like MTV turning Foursqare into a lifestyle play. While we all know Foursquare has rolled out brand offerings to manage venues and push special offers, this gives Foursquare a new twist with check-in updates from the brand…

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Three Ways To Market Using Location Based Services (LBS)

June 29, 2010

LBS (location based services) is the next wave in customer engagement. When considering LBS platforms the more familiar ones might be Foursquare, Yelp and Gowalla. Less familiar and yet more promising are apps like Point Inside. Here are three ways brands can use LBS in their marketing mix. Loyalty Check-ins are another way brands can track customer…

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