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The New Facebook Timeline Emergency Guide For Business (white paper)

March 30, 2012

  The day has finally come, it’s March 30th and Facebook will finally unleash their timeline upon the brand business pages of the universe. Some of you are nodding your head thinking “about time already” and yet others still find themselves in the middle of their Friday afternoon unprepared, frantically trying to figure out how…

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A New Philosophy on Celebrating Fans

July 15, 2011
Facebook fan strategy

The secret to building meaningful customer relationships? It’s not much different than real life. Yet, it is so much different than your typical marketing effort. Both work to the same end, to sustain a business through profit. A more direct marketing will work quickly and it’s likely you will never see that customer again. Like…

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What Facebook Locations Mean to Your Business

August 24, 2010

LBS marketing is heating up with Facebook’s roll out of a Locations feature last week. Will be an application killer? Not yet, the application still lacks the reward system Foursquare thrive on, the venue ratings and reviews that feed the hungry Yelper’s ego, and the playful features of Gowalla. What it does mean is LBS…

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Personal Relationships Matter in Ad recall

July 8, 2010

New data on Facebook advertising was featured in today’s WSJ article Facebook Touts Selling Power of Friends. The latest ComScore study shows that Facebook is exceeding long standing contenders Yahoo, Microsoft sites, AOL and Fox Interactive in ad impressions. Shooting through the roof in Q1 2010. What makes Facebook even more appealing than “traditional digital”…

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