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Blogging For Business

Blog marketing tips, Wordpress tools and content marketing strategies for business.

Form Abandonment Tracking WordPress Plugin

April 9, 2014
Laptop wordpress dashboard

Are you wondering how far a visitor gets in filling out your web lead form before giving up? I just made it even easier to track this in Google Analytics. My new Form Abandonment WordPress plugin stems from work done on a few client’s sites, similar to how my other plugin (Featured Images in RSS…

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Five Content Management Plugins For WordPress

March 11, 2014
Male using wordpress on laptop

By: Ann Smarty How tiresome is it dealing with the data, planning and other factors associated with content development? As a blogger, that is pretty much all I do day in and day out. No matter how much I love my job, it can be tedious at the best of times, and intolerable at the…

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Six Rules of Journalism Every Citizen Journalist Should Know

October 15, 2013

Social media and the mobile movement are giving average people the power to gather, dispense, and report news and information on public platforms. A job traditionally reserved for professional journalists, is now being placed into the hands of all citizens. This shift is giving professional journalists challenges and advantages they never anticipated. The great journalism…

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14 Sexy Content Ideas For B2B Brands

July 30, 2013

So you have a blog, now what? One of the most common questions I get from clients is what to talk about. It’s easy to start a Facebook page, blog, or any of the many little content consuming monsters we like to create on a whim. But if you’re brand isn’t a fit for baby…

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Easily Add a Pinterest Hover Button to Your Images

June 4, 2013

If your web site features great photos that people would want to share, one of the easiest things to do that can increase traffic to your site is adding a nice Pinterest hover button to your images. When a visitor rolls their pointer over the image, a Pinterest button fades in, and when clicked, it will…

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5 Blogger Outreach Tips From A Blogger

March 6, 2013

Blogger outreach! We’ve all heard about it, and most brands are making blogger outreach campaigns part of their marketing strategy. In a nutshell, blogger outreach is the process of building relationships with qualified, influential bloggers, asking them to write about a particular product, service or experience, providing an incentive for them and their readers with the goal of receiving…

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How-To Brew Fresh Content Ideas

February 7, 2013

Content creation has become a very crucial role for marketers over the past few years, and it doesn’t look like a role that will be going away anytime soon. Whether you’re managing content, creating a presentation, writing a blog post, or developing copy for social media, there is no doubt that you have to be on your…

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Why The 1-Click WordPress Install Should Be Avoided

January 30, 2013
Male using wordpress on laptop

There are many hosts that offer 1-click installations of WordPress, but the 1-click install may cause problems that non-technical users may not even be aware of. I hope to detail the potential pitfalls with the typical 1-click WordPress install, and suggest that using the 1-click installation be avoided altogether, using WordPress’ built-in installation wizard instead.…

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Seven Ways to Come Up With Great Blog Ideas

January 9, 2013
suites and shorts

Coming up with great blogging ideas can be a challenge, whether you’re writing for one blog or multiple blogs. Sure there are thousands of topics to write about, but with the Internet being flooded with content good and bad, you want to stand out, be ready for anything, be relevant and be professional. Blogging has…

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