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Community Management

Tips for managing and building online communities from the pros.

Think “Outside The Blog” To Identify Online Influencers

May 8, 2013
influence map

Originally posted on IZEA. While the first thing that comes to mind when you think about outreach is bloggers, you might be overlooking influence in other channels. Social influence is everywhere from Twitter to Pinterest. It can even be found in forums or private groups like iVillage, Yahoo, and Facebook. And with marketing becoming more…

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Sure-Fire Ways To Invite Bloggers To An Event

May 1, 2013
Event Marketing Networking

Hosting an event is a great way for brands to get the word out about a new product or service. Bringing the right people to those events can become a science, especially if you want good media coverage. Bloggers are the perfect people to invite to your next event. These days they are actually thought…

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Redefining The Mommy Blogger

March 12, 2013

Originally posted on IZEA. Who has “mommy blogger” in their marketing plan? I raised my hand too. Connecting with the right bloggers should be in every brand’s playbook. The “mommy blogger” in particular has become the Holy Grail. Why? Some time ago marketers finally figured out two important facts about how products are purchased: 1.…

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Re-Energize A Dead Community

February 19, 2013

Does your brand have an abandoned community lingering somewhere in the socialsphere? You’re not alone. Many marketers are guilty of it at one time or another. Sometimes unknowingly. An “abandoned community” is a Facebook, Twitter, or other online community created by a brand, or someone authorized or not representing it, that is eventually neglected. There…

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Five Ways To Get Consumers Talking Positively About Your Brand

January 16, 2013

Both online and off, companies are doing everything they can to get their customers talking about them. Successful companies don’t set out for positive word of mouth; instead they look for feedback, great content and ways to evoke their brand in a unique way. Here are five proven strategies on how to get customer feedback…

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Start An Online Community For In-Person Networking

December 6, 2012

I don’t know about you, but networking events used to scare me. That is, until social media came along! Social media has become the ultimate icebreaker for meeting people in real life (IRL). We’ve heard it time and time again; people want to do business with people they know and trust. Do you remember the Cheers jingle?…

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How Retailers Can Leverage Social Media For A Successful Black Friday

November 7, 2012

Strap in, let’s go. Black Friday, the biggest day of the year for retail, is upon us. The retail environment is becoming noisier and more competitive as it seems the holidays are starting earlier each year. I noticed full out Christmas displays in Macy’s, Ace Hardware, and other stores as early as mid-October. Radio Shack’s…

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Top Social Media Time Saving Tips From Community Managers

October 5, 2012

  We all can agree that social media is a great tool for building brands with fans. But, just because there are hundreds of social media platforms available doesn’t mean you have to be present on every single one. With a little research and careful planning, you will uncover your best social media efforts that…

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How Sprout Social Helps Brands Spread The Love

July 11, 2012

You don’t really need any special software to send a tweet. All you really need is your browser, Internet connection, and an account at But if you want to move past simply tweeting real-time into truly managing your social media by measuring reach, seeing the demographics of your followers, scheduling tweets, and tracking your…

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A List of the Best Social Brands and Platforms

October 28, 2011
social media brands

There’s more to social marketing than Facebook and Twitter. There is a universe of online platforms that crop up just as quickly as they die. Here’s are a few of our favorite online brands and platforms. Some of them we couldn’t live without. What are yours?

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