
Maximize Brand Awareness With These Facebook Live Marketing Tips

May 25, 2018
facebook live marketing

Facebook Live is a great way to get seen by your fans and followers. Join the live video revolution with these Facebook live marketing tips for your business. Learn to broadcast to your fans with no fear. Live video in social media has been around long before Facebook made it popular. Periscope was a pioneer,…

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Five Blogger Outreach Tips to Find the Perfect Influencer

February 12, 2018
blogger outreach

Blogger outreach can be challenging. When it comes to finding an influencer to partner with your brand, your options are many. Popular bloggers deal with a barrage of offers making it a competitive environment. Finding the perfect fit can take hours of work, and once you find them there is no guarantee it will all…

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Five Tips for Fitness Marketing in the New Year

December 26, 2017
Tips for Fitness Marketing in the New Year

December 26th starts a whole new season of purchasing. Consumers have eaten their fill and are regretting it. I’m talking about the resolution season. The time of year everyone vows that this is the year they better themselves. Many of these resolutions involve fitness and health goals. We have all seen the tried and true…

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